Reconnect with your true nature through tarot...

...and help others do the same with this advanced tarot training.

Want to help yourself, and others, transform emotional and energetic blocks through tarot, ritual work, and spiritual reflection? 

Yes, I'm ready!

If you’re a major tarot enthusiast, an aspiring tarot professional, or a seasoned tarot veteran and...

  • You're ready to stand in your power as a tarot reader to do more good in the world.

  • You're in search of a tarot program that will help you to connect with yourself, and your tarot deck, in a deeper way. You are craving time and space to do some work on yourself;

  • You want to read tarot for others and get excited by the idea of learning how to provide querents with personalized tarot rituals to help them implement the wisdom of tarot;

  • You feel called to improve your tarot skills, but you've outgrown beginner-level courses and are tired of cookie-cutter approaches to tarot reading;

  • You crave more powerful connection to tarot that will take you way beyond typical questions of love, marriage, and career so that you can serve others at an emotional and spiritual level, too;

  • You're ready to learn how to stand in your own power, use your voice, and align with your soul's intentions so that you can help more people effectively and confidently.

You're invited to join us in Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation.

This advanced tarot training is designed for tarot readers who are passionate about exploring the impact of subconscious blocks, societal conditioning, and personal history through the lens of tarot.

This of this like a masterclass in shadow work with the aim of transformation and resolution on what keeps us stuck in the past.

It's not enough to simply look at the cards and point out problems. 

Very often, querents need solutions, too. And so do we when we are reading for ourselves.

Especially when we are reading on situations that arose in the past, but that continue to affect us today. 

Which is why Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation emphasizes the importance of releasing, healing, and transforming, too. 

Through this course, you will walk away with new tools in your tarot toolbox that will help you to:

  • Learn how to identify and create customized tarot rituals from your readings, so that you can perform your own healing rituals for yourself, and give your querents rituals as "homework" that they can take away from your time together;
  • Understand the body as a storehouse of ancestral and subconscious energies, and how tarot helps us "see" into those layers;
  • Learn how to see the influence of societal conditioning and "macro-level" influences on an individual's experiences;
  • Understand how tarot can help you and your querents recover from past struggles so that you can honour your true nature and step into more of your power; 
  • Learn how to hold more space for yourself and your querents by using tarot to develop more meaningful connections, relationships, and a greater sense of belonging; 
  • Push yourself to work with bigger, more complex tarot spreads and deep, dynamic topics that explore personal and psycho-spiritual realms.

 As tarot readers, it's imperative that we lead by example by working on ourselves as much as we want to work on our querents. 

Which part of the magic of this course: It invites you to do this work on yourself first, so that you can bring what you have learned into the world through your own tarot practice.

"I highly recommend this course for your personal and professional development as a Tarot reader. This is a course of self-discovery and a opportunity to increase your understanding of Tarot in terms of building up your knowledge and practice. You will explore aspects of yourself using larger spreads and discovering how ritual may enhance your ability to assist you to understand the key concepts of the course, which include Your Voice, Your Body, Your Connection, Your Soul and Your Power. Liz Worth will guide you through each of these components and identify how you may recognise each concept with your Tarot cards and then facilitate you to use a spread assigned each part. You will come to understand how Tarot can be used for self discovery and reclamation. "

Brendan O'Connor

"I'm stepping away from this experience more insightful, inspired, and powerful. Both in my tarot readings, and also in my life. Liz is a deft teacher, and powerful force to collaborate with. If you're on the fence, I encourage you to take this course! You won't regret it."

Chris Clark
Certified Life Coach and Aspiring Tarot Professional

What is the course outline?

Here's what you will learn throughout these lessons:

Lesson One: The Foundation, Part One – Tarot for Ritual and Healing

This class sets the tone and foundation for the rest of the course. You will learn:

  • What ritual is, and why it matters
  • How to use tarot to create your own rituals
  • A tarot spread to help you honour yourself

Lesson Two: The Foundation, Part Two – Tarot as a bridge

This class looks at how and why we become disconnected from our true selves, and what we can do to begin to repair those disconnects. You will learn:

  • What tarot can teach us about the world we live in
  • What tarot can teach us about our personal experiences
  • A tarot spread to help get your subconscious “unstuck”

Lesson Three: Tarot and the Body

This class looks at how and why we become disconnected from our bodies, and how tarot can help us repair those disconnects. You will learn:

  • How to work with your body as a storehouse of ancestral and subconscious energies;
  • Why tarot is a valuable tool in understanding our bodies;
    How to “see” the body in tarot;
  • A tarot spread to call your body back

Lesson Four: Tarot and the Voice

This class looks at what can block you from finding or using your voice, and how tarot can empower you to access it. You will learn:

  • How you become disconnected from your voice
  • What happens when you reclaim your voice
  • How to “see” the voice in tarot
  • A tarot spread to honour your voice

Lesson Five: Tarot and connection

Connection can mean many different things to many different people. In this class, we’ll look at two approaches to connection: The relationship with yourself, and your sense of belonging in the world around you. You will learn:

  • What keeps us from feeling connected
  • Rethinking what it means to belong
  • How to find connection in tarot
  • A tarot spread to build connection

Lesson Six: Tarot and the soul

We all have a soul. It is an integral part of who we are, and what we came here to do. Yet so many of us go through life without ever learning how to listen to our souls. What lives within you, and what does your soul want you to do? It’s one of the many questions we’ll explore here. You will learn:

  • Why your soul matters
  • How your soul helps you connect to hidden wisdoms
  • How to understand the soul through tarot
  • A tarot spread to build a relationship with your soul

Lesson Seven: Tarot and power

The final class will tie everything together to help you access your personal power. We will discuss what power can look like, and how you can step into your power moving forward. You will learn:

  • How to identify disempowering influences in your life, and proactively work through them;
  • What power can mean for you;
  • How to “see” power in tarot;
  • A tarot spread to help you access your power; and
  • How the lessons of the previous weeks can all support your sense of power.

And: Receive a personalized certificate of completion when you finish the course work.

"I learned so much from Liz's Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation course. It deepened my understanding of reading tarot while also focusing on important aspects of the Self and self-empowerment. As a psychotherapist I even used in sessions what I learned about why and how we disconnect with our authentic Self. I also appreciated Liz's engaged teaching style and thoughtful feedback on our homework."

Susan V.

Register for Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation

Registration closes August 31 for this self-study course.

Pay in full:



  • 7 life-changing lessons
  • Advanced tarot training
  • Skills and techniques to deepen your practice 
  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
Register Here

Two monthly payments:



  • 7 life-changing lessons
  • Advanced tarot training
  • Skills and techniques to deepen your practice
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
Register Here

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Pay in full:



  • 7 life-changing lessons
  • Advanced tarot training
  • Skills and techniques to deepen your practice 
  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
Register Here

Two monthly payments:



  • 7 life-changing lessons
  • Advanced tarot training
  • Skills and techniques to deepen your practice
  • Lifetime access to all course materials
Register Here

"Liz is an open-minded teacher who gently invites her students to their highest potential. The ‘Tarot for self-recovery and reclamation’ course deepened my relationship with myself and the world around me. Through Liz’s teachings, I have learned how to apply mystical practices to my everyday life in a practical, accessible way."

Martha Morrison BSc, Professional Ballroom Dance Teacher

Hi. I'm Liz Worth.

When I was in my mid-twenties, I started reading tarot on the advice of an astrologer. My life has never been the same since. When I am teaching tarot, I always tell my students to stay open to how this practice will transform you. 

Because tarot does change us. And that is the purpose of Tarot for Self-Recovery and Reclamation: To guide readers through the transformative power of tarot.

This course might stir things up in you. It might be uncomfortable at times. You might feel vulnerable.

I encourage you to let your feelings come forward. Afterall, that's what we do when we hold space for our community through tarot readings: We have to show grace, compassion, and sensitivity to whatever presents itself during a reading.

I look forward to guiding you through this process and assisting you in building your tarot skills together.

(Photo by Lisa East)

""This has been a wonderful course. I learned a lot about myself and the cards. It was challenging (in a good way). I am learning more to use tarot as a tool to help gain insight and perspective." "


Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering if this course is right for you? Your answer might be here:

When you sign up, you will get immediate access to the course materials and video lessons, which you can access on your own time at your own pace

This class is set at an intermediate to advanced level, meaning that you should be comfortable (or at least willing) to interpret cards on your own. We are not covering basic card meanings or beginner fundamentals.

We will be working with 7-12 card layouts throughout each class.

Absolutely! This class will give you a lot of great tools, insights, and techniques that you can use in your own practice. Plus, you will learn how you can create healing rituals to help your clients.

But…the beauty of taking this class is that you get to do the work on yourself first.

The materials don't expire. You may go at your own pace and revisit the course lessons as needed.

We will study on the Rider Waite Smith deck. It is highly recommended you use a RWS or similar deck for the duration of this course.

All sales are final. Please shop mindfully and ensure this course is right for you. 

Send me an email to [email protected] and let me know how I can help you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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