How to help querents ask effective tarot questions

Like any tool, tarot can be helpful.

But only when used correctly.

I hope this doesn’t sound controversial – it shouldn’t, because it’s true: Not every tarot reading will feel magical, special, significant, or even important.

That can apply to readings you do for yourself, as well as for others.

It’s one thing to have a reading fall flat for yourself.

But it’s a whole other ballgame if you’re reading for someone else. Even if it’s just for fun for a friend or family member, you might still want that reading to feel productive for them.

Often, the issue is not with tarot itself. Instead, readings can feel unproductive or unhelpful because the question being asked isn’t clear, or isn’t suitable for tarot.

It can also happen that the question is being asked far too often, or touches on something that doesn’t need to be explored for whatever reason.

Sometimes life is humming along just fine. Not all situations need to be fixed or improved.

So what can you do when someone wants a reading, but isn’t sure what they want to talk about?

Typically, a reading with no question would fall into the category of a general reading. If someone just wants a general look-ahead to get a sense of any challenges, opportunities, or themes that are on the horizon, I might do a Celtic Cross reading or other big spread for them.

But general readings don’t work for every querent – sometimes they can feel too vague and not hit on anything meaningful or resonant, either.

So what do you then? Here are some of my favourite questions to suggest for querents who want more than a general reading, but are having trouble coming up with effective questions on their own:

  • For querents who are daring enough to go there, a question like, “How do others see me?” can be an interesting door to open – though best left for those who are willing to engage in the self-reflection this may trigger.
  • For querents who are newer to tarot or unsure of how it works, I like to ask them about a specific goal or aim they want to achieve, and then offer to build a strategy to help them get there: “What’s something I can start doing right now that will bring me closer to this goal?” Then let the reading build from there.
  • For querents who have questions that are harder to validate, or that might feel more like speculation – such as, “Does my crush have feelings for me?” – I suggest reframing them to something that feels a bit less definitive: “What can I do to make new friends and connections?” Or, “What can I do to deepen or improve my relationship with so-and-so?”

Working out questions for tarot can take a bit of practice.

Some querents might have a narrow view of what do. Don’t be afraid to take the opportunity to give them ideas and examples of what else can be explored.

We also have to remember that readings really do unfold on a case-by-case basis. Don’t be afraid to use your own judgement, knowledge, and experience to lead the querent through the process of a reading.

Until next time,

Liz xo

p.s. Want to read tarot for other people, but feel like you're missing some pieces of the puzzle when you do? Check out the tips on my free webinar to help you deepen your tarot skills: 



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