Before I get into this week’s newsletter, let’s take a moment to check in:
How are you doing?
There is such a whirlwind of energy in the collective right now that it’s been feeling hard, for me at least, to pinpoint where a lot of us are at. It seems many of us are cycling through contradictory bursts of feelings and thoughts moment by moment: Optimistic one minute, worried the next.
Life feels brimming with possibility in so many ways. As people return back to more in-person events and community gatherings and travel plans, there is a sense of gaining momentum. And when there are things to look forward to, life feels OK. Even if the days in between aren’t always easy, anticipation of good things to come is a strong remedy.
But as the pace of life is picking up for many, there are so many stressors, too. I won’t list them all: We are all capable of naming our own worries and fears.
But I wanted to check in. To say hello. To let you know that I am a real human being writing this newsletter, and that I know your humanness is on the other side receiving these words.
We might not see each other face to face, but here we are.
Hello. How are you?
Last week I went to see one my favourite bands of all time, the Cure. It was my fourth time seeing them. The first time was in 2000, right around this same time of year, and at the same venue they played at last week.
It felt very much like a full circle moment, and bittersweet. Rumour has it this might be their last tour. Who knows, though? I have seen bands in the past that swore they were packing it in, only to reunite a few years later and tour again.
But because so many of the bands I like have already been at it for 30-40 years already, I know that each time I see them is that much more special. Because they could stop at any moment: They have nothing to prove at this point. Their careers were made decades ago.
Not just that, but mortality is reality, and many artists I’ve loved along the way are no longer living.
I’m always mindful of this whenever I attend any kind of event with someone I admire.
I always remind myself, “This is a moment in time that we will not get back.” Or, “I am so happy this person is still sharing what they love with all of us.”
Because it’s so easy to assume things will continue as they are. It’s so easy to expect there will be more concerts, more offerings, more appearances.
But realistically, we are living through specific cultural eras, and you don’t always realize that something is a “thing” until it’s over – or getting near the end.
Even tarot moves in cycles and waves.
People come and go. Projects have an endpoint. Attentions shift elsewhere. Intentions change, too.
And now, more than ever, I keep coming back to gratitude to move through it all.
I am grateful for the memories others have made possible for me.
I am grateful for the generosity of creativity.
I am grateful for the strange shapes of my identity.
And in these strange times, where things can feel exuberant and hopeful but also uncertain and uncomfortable, I try to find perspective in the rougher edges of the in-between.
When things are not coming together as fast I’d like them to, I think to myself:
But at least I have gotten myself this far.
When uncertainty rears up and I wonder if I will have to change course in my direction, I think to myself:
But at least I know now that I’m capable of moving myself forward.
And when I’m worried that I might fail at something, I think to myself:
At least I gain the lesson of having tried.
It all adds up to something. We can all lead ourselves to new places if we keep trying.
So much of it begins with being present for what’s in front of you.
If you are feeling a little bit adrift right now, I’d like to offer some questions you can explore. Perhaps you’d like to pull tarot cards on these, or simply meditate upon each one in your own way:
Until next time,
p.s. Are you seeking community and mentorship along your path as a tarot reader? Come join us in Tarot Study Hall, where you get access to tarot classes I don't offer anywhere else. We also meet regularly through live calls to talk about and practice tarot so that you can build your confidence through guided support and training. Join here.
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