How to make ritual part of your regular routine

In my previous post, I shared some thoughts in regards to whether you need a specific ritual or not to enhance your tarot readings.

You can read it here in case you missed it. But to sum up my POV, I don’t feel that ritual is necessary to perform an effective tarot reading.

That’s because I believe that reading is a skill that we develop with time, practice, and experience.

“But what about ritual for your day-to-day life?” Some readers have asked me. “I love the idea of having a little bit of magic happening throughout my day, but don’t necessarily feel the need to incorporate it into any of my tarot work.”

Same here.

I can’t assume to know all that will work for each person out there, but I can share a little bit about what works for me when it comes to weaving magic into my life.

First, I connect to devotion.

I wasn’t raised in a religious household, but had friends who were. There have been times in my life when I felt...

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4 Magical Ways to Prep for a New Year

As we get closer to the end of the calendar year, I am conscious of what I’m taking on, wrapping up, or casting away.

Time will pass either way. Calendars change, seasons move on, birthdays come and go. Yes, the marking of time can feel arbitrary in some ways.

Yet it’s hard to deny that there isn’t some kind of energetic shift that takes place when a new year begins.

We make resolutions, and set intentions. We think of what might be possible, and how life might be different.

A change in time feels like a line being drawn in the sand between the past and the future. It’s an opportunity to leave things in the distance, and to move towards new experiences.

As the year winds down, I start to clear things out: Old papers get shredded, books and clothes get put into a donation pile.

And I also become even more conscious of what I’m saying yes and no to. I like things to be finished and closed off at the end of the year so that I have a clear head, and a clear...

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