Conspiracy theories and the threat of spiritual escapism

I have been feeling frustrated lately.

And impatient. And tired – not physically, but intellectually and emotionally.

Especially by what I see in so-called spiritual communities, from so-called spiritual people who push conspiracy theories and promote paranoia, suspicion, and careless information.

I know that conspiracy theories exist in all types of circles.

And spiritual work is not my only work. But it is a place I spend much time in, and a place I choose to lead from, so it’s what I’m going to address today.

I am expanding on some thoughts I shared in a previous post that bears repeating, and bears witness with the astrology of the moment.

I always encourage discernment, logic, and groundedness in all that we do. My life's work is based in spiritual practices, art, and magic, but that doesn't mean I don't have space in my life for critical thinking, science, and rational thought.

If you study tarot, astrology, or other spiritual practices deeply...

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Finding love with tarot during a pandemic

Back in March, when things first started to close up in response to the pandemic, my friends and I were – in hindsight – naïve about how long this was really going to last.

I was on my way to the gym one morning when a friend I chat with there was on his way out. “It’s closed,” he said. The sign on the door had just gone up. We walked a couple blocks together and when our directions split off we said, “See you in fourteen days, I guess!”

My friends who have local shops all said the same. They hung signs on their doors that said, “We’ll be back again soon!”

Still, two weeks without bars, restaurants, gyms, and stores seemed long – especially when we’ve gotten so used to our 24/7, go, go, go lifestyles.

Ah, how quaint it all seems now when I look on it. How cute! We thought we would be back to “normal” in a matter of days.

A few weeks into this new normal, I started to realize that this was...

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I was just told I have no business reading tarot. Hereโ€™s why.

One thing I did not expect to emerge through this global pandemic is the number of conspiracy theories that are out there.

Just as this virus continues to spread, so does the suspicion about it all.

Spiritual communities are rampant with it, including the tarot world. Which surprises me, but then it doesn’t.

Spirituality and conspiracy theories have often shared space together. One of my earliest exposures to this crossover was here in Toronto in the ‘90s.

My friends and I would go downtown on the weekends where we would run into a religious group on Yonge Street. They would stand on the street handing out flyers warning against the coming age of microchipping, which they believed would signal the arrival of the anti-Christ. The chip was “the mark of the Beast.”

But I’m not going to go into a big, long list of various theories out there, old or new. My point in bringing this detail up is to say that I’ve heard a lot of different ideas over...

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When the Earth begins to speak

Last week, I had a dream.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a brief mention of it there.

I am sharing it here today, and elaborating on some thoughts I’ve had since.

Before I get into it, let me say that I acknowledge that there is a lot of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty in the world right now.

I am going to be speaking truthfully here. I know you don’t come to me for the “good vibes only, love and light” stuff.

But I also know that many of us are tender right now. Tired, worried, and burned out from checking the news all the time.

So if you need a break, bow out now. You can always come back to this later.

Here’s what I have to share today:

I have had a long relationship with the dream world and believe that when you are called to something in a dream, you need to pay attention and act upon it as best you can.

Last week I had such a dream and was asked to deliver a message.

The Earth spoke to me in my dream.

And She was pissed...

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