My Best Advice on Manifesting With Tarot

The concept of manifestation bounces around in New Age circles so much that I barely notice it anymore.

I became aware of the idea of manifestation – or at least the language around it – when I was first starting out on my spiritual journey and was deep into astrology. There were a handful of astrologers whose work I followed religiously, and during certain moon phases or important transits they’d send out missives encouraging us to use these energies to “manifest” our goals.

I’m not opposed to spellwork or vision boards. I love burning intention candles and writing my own spells.

But I see these things as icing on the cake to the true magic that makes dreams manifest.

What is that magic?


Acting upon a dream will give you the best odds of it becoming a reality.

Knowing where you want to go is the first step: What is that you are aiming for?

If you can be clear on that – whether it be a new job, an artistic career, new love, or...

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My thoughts on manifestation (and what I do to make things happen)

Tarot reading brings a lot of ambitious clients to the table.

A common reason people turn to tarot readers is to gain insight into their goals. People’s dreams hinge on questions like:

“How can I help my business succeed this year?”
“How can I build my creative practice?”
“How can I become financially independent?”

And sometimes, these conversations can lead into questions about manifestation. Tarot clients wonder exactly what they should be doing holistically to achieve their dreams:

Should they be performing a certain ritual?
Or using affirmations?
Or visualizing their ideal outcome?
Changing their vibration?

There’s a lot of talk out there about manifestation. And like anything else in the New Age space, there are a lot of opinions, ideas, and contradictions to be found on the subject.

The word manifest also has several definitions. In spiritual contexts, it is often used as a verb, meaning to make something manifest –...

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