My Best Advice on Manifesting With Tarot

The concept of manifestation bounces around in New Age circles so much that I barely notice it anymore.

I became aware of the idea of manifestation – or at least the language around it – when I was first starting out on my spiritual journey and was deep into astrology. There were a handful of astrologers whose work I followed religiously, and during certain moon phases or important transits they’d send out missives encouraging us to use these energies to “manifest” our goals.

I’m not opposed to spellwork or vision boards. I love burning intention candles and writing my own spells.

But I see these things as icing on the cake to the true magic that makes dreams manifest.

What is that magic?


Acting upon a dream will give you the best odds of it becoming a reality.

Knowing where you want to go is the first step: What is that you are aiming for?

If you can be clear on that – whether it be a new job, an artistic career, new love, or...

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Why this is the best, and worst, time to get a reading

The end of the year can be one of the busiest seasons for tarot readings.

Everyone wants to know what’s coming up in the year ahead:

"Will this be the year I find love?"

"Will my business be more profitable?"

"Will I move or change jobs?"

Overall, these are pretty common questions that people bring to tarot readers all year round – regardless of the calendar date.

Which is why, a couple of years ago, I started to question my own attachment to doing New Year’s readings for my community.

One thing that I grappled with was that life is not linear. Many of the things we are hoping for don’t just magically fall into place just because we changed the date on the calendar.

And so to expect that a certain date is going to signify something – be it love, success, or any other kind of goal – didn’t feel quite right.

Especially because some of the things we are hoping for in the New Year require some kind of planning or action.

I also realized that New...

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