We’re nearing the end of the calendar year which means a lot of us are turning to tarot to ask, “What’s coming up in the New Year?"
Even though there’s always a lot of back and forth in the tarot community about whether or not to use tarot as a predictive tool, the reality is that a large percentage of tarot querents ask predictive questions.
I think where readers sometimes hesitate with predictions is when we feel like we’re under pressure to be all-seeing and all-knowing.
When I got my first tarot deck, I assumed readings were completely predictive, and expected the cards to send me visions of the future. (Yes, I was very disappointed when it didn’t work out that way.)
That assumption blocked me for a long time, especially because it made me feel inadequate as a reader.
It took time, practice and reflection for me to understand how I wanted to approach predictive readings, and to develop a framework for myself to operate within...
Last week I wrote about a few pros and cons regarding predictive readings.
Whenever I talk about predictions, I get a lot of questions. It’s ironic that the mainstream of perception of tarot is that it is purely predictive, when in reality the tarot community is so diverse and diversified in how it views tarot.
And predictive readings are one example of that: Some readers love predictions, some will at least entertain them, and others stay away from them altogether.
I say this off the top in case anyone reading this isn’t resonating with predictive readings, or isn’t sure they want to go down this path.
But the aim of this week’s missive is to answer a great question that came my way, which is, “What does it mean if you can’t see the future in your tarot cards?”
What does it mean if someone asks you, “What do you see coming up for me?” and you lay down your cards and…you’re just not sure what to make of them at all?
...Ever tried to predict something in a tarot reading and wondered when it will come to pass?
Or maybe you’ve read tarot for someone else and they really wanted to know the timing of something.
Has that happened to you before?
Does the thought of not knowing make you nervous?
Do you avoid predictive readings so that you don’t have to give a direct answer?
I used worry about these things, too.
And I was often confused about them, because so many people use tarot for predictive purposes, and yet it’s common to be discouraged from using tarot for predictions at all.
“Tarot can’t do this, and it can’t do that.”
But is that true?
I don’t believe it is.
In fact, the very first tarot reading I ever had was a predictive reading – and the messages I was given that day were still coming true 10 years later.
Wild, right?
Of course, this isn’t to say that a tarot reading is a promise or contract: It can be a glimpse at the...
Predictive questions are some of the most common and popular types of tarot readings.
Especially if you read tarot for friends, family or clients. Mainstream perceptions of tarot are strong when it comes to connecting tarot to fortune-telling, or future-telling.
While some tarot readers prefer to avoid predictive readings altogether, there can be a time and place for them. And personally, I’ve done a ton of predictive readings for myself and others over the years.
Even though I do believe we can shape our futures and change our directions, there is still something helpful about getting a sense of where things are headed.
But it’s not always easy to get a clear prediction, or to make sense of what we’re seeing in our cards if we’re doing a future-oriented reading.
Here are some of the guidelines I follow when I’m doing predictive readings:
1. First, whenever I talk about predictions in tarot, I’m clear that I’m not looking for things names,...
Whenever there’s change in the air, such as talk of important astrological transits, it’s normal to wonder: “How will this affect me?”
We often turn to tarot, astrology and other divinations to predict what’s around the corner. It’s not unusual to worry about whether you are making the wrong decision, or to worry about where your future is headed.
I find that whether you’re clear on your own direction, or you’re still trying to figure out your life’s path, uncertainty will always be a companion to some degree.
One of the main reasons why we turn to divinatory tools like tarot and astrology is because we want certainty, clarity and confidence in what we are doing.
Knowing how things will turn out can help alleviate some of the stress of the unknown.
After all, wouldn’t you go ahead and head back to school, start that business, or write that book if you knew for sure that you would be successful?
It would also be so much...
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